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  • ゲームの感情を解き放つ: 生体認証の実践 🎮

    📊 ゲーム研究の未来を発見しましょう! 私たちの画期的な研究では、最先端のウェアラブル技術を使用して、これまでにない方法でゲーマーの感情の旅を解き明かしました。 皮膚電気活動 (EDA) と 心拍数 (HR) を追跡することで、ゲームプレイ中にプレイヤーが実際にどのように感じているかについて比類のない洞察が得られました。👾 フォーカス グループ ディスカッション (FGD) を通じて、参加者のフィードバックとゲーム映像だけに頼るだけでは、包括的な分析には不十分であることがわかりました。これまでは、ゲームプレイ中のプレイヤーの肯定的および否定的なフィードバックを、プレイヤーの言葉に基づいて分析してきました。しかし、 ゲームプレイ 、 Think-Aloud テクニック、 EDA および HR 測定を組み合わせることで、プレイヤーの感情をより正確に「ハッキング」できるようになりました。 この革新的なアプローチにより、これまで見逃していた感情のより深い層を理解する新たな機会が開かれ、ゲーム体験の向上への道が開かれます。 主なハイライト: 最先端の生体認証技術によるリアルタイムの感情追跡 プレイヤーのエンゲージメント、ストレス、感情的な反応を深く理解する ゲーム体験の未来を再定義する可能性のある洞察 生体認証データがどのようにプレイヤーの心と精神に近づき、ゲームの未来を形作っていくのかを目撃してください。 #DirectResearchKorea #ゲーム研究 #生体認証技術 #プレイヤーエンゲージメント #心拍数分析 #EDAGaming #ゲーム体験

  • 感情状態を解釈する方法: 覚醒-感情価モデル

    感情分析において、生体認証データを解釈する代表的な方法は、 覚醒度 と 感情価という 2 つの次元を使用して感情を定義することです。 このアプローチは、ユーザーの複雑な感情状態を明確に視覚化し、理解するのに特に役立ちます。 a. 覚醒 覚醒とは、感情の 強さ や 活性化レベル を指し、生理学的反応を通じて評価することができます。 高覚醒: 高い EDA/GSR 値に反映されます。 興奮、恐怖、怒りなどの激しい感情状態を示します。 例: 心拍数の増加、発汗。 覚醒度が低い: EDA/GSR 値が低いか安定していることに反映されます。 落ち着き、眠気、無関心などを表します。 例: リラックスした状態、または集中した注意の状態。 b. 原子価 価数は、感情の ポジティブ (Positive) または ネガティブ (Negative) な 性質を表し、多くの場合、HRV または呼吸データから推測されます。 正の価数: 高い HRV と遅い呼吸率に反映されます。 幸福、興味、満足などのポジティブな感情を示します。 負の原子価: 低い HRV と速い呼吸数に反映されます。 ストレス、怒り、悲しみなどの否定的な感情を示します。 by Touradj Ebrahimi c. 感情状態マッピング 覚醒-価数モデル に基づいて感情状態を視覚化することで、感情データを直感的に解釈できるようになります。 X軸(価数): 負(左)→正(右)。 Y軸(覚醒度): 低(下)→高(上)。 感情状態マッピングの例: 高い覚醒度と高い価値: 幸福感、興味。 高い覚醒と低い感情価: ストレス、怒り。 低い覚醒度と高い価値: 落ち着き、満足感。 覚醒度の低下と感情価の低下: 無気力、憂鬱。 実際の申請プロセス データ収集: EDA/GSR データに基づいて覚醒レベルを測定します。 HRV と呼吸データから価数を推測します。 データの視覚化: 覚醒-感情価モデルにデータをマップして、感情マップ形式で感情状態を表します。 例: 特定の画面遷移後の高覚醒と低感情を特定 → 潜在的なストレスのトリガー。 UXデザインでの活用: ポジティブな価値と低い覚醒度に合わせて設計することで、ネガティブな価値領域を改善します。 例: ストレスの原因となる要素を簡素化し、肯定的なフィードバックを提供します。 結論 覚醒価モデルを使用して感情を解釈すると、生体認証データを単なる数値を超えて UX の改善に直接適用できるようになります。このモデルは、データ駆動型の UX デザインと感情的共感を組み合わせるための強力なツールです。 UXR はウェアラブルデバイスを活用して生体認証を測定し、UX リサーチの信頼性を高めます。 #ユーザーリサーチ #ゲームリサーチ #プレイヤーリサーチ #アジア #韓国

  • 「LLaMA」と「OpenAI GPT」モデルの比較:当社の革新的な活用の試み

    AIは現代社会のさまざまな産業でイノベーションを推進し、大きな変化を生み出しています。当社はAI技術を通じて研究と分析の効率を高め、お客様により良い洞察を提供することを目指しています。このブログでは、MetaのLLaMAモデルとOpenAIのGPTモデルを比較し、これらのモデルを研究とビジネスにどのように適用できるかを探ります。 LLaMA と OpenAI GPT モデル LLaMA (大規模言語モデルメタ AI) 開発者 : Meta AI 主な特徴 : 軽量アーキテクチャ、大規模トレーニングデータの活用、研究指向の設計 利点 : 最小限の計算リソースで効率的なパフォーマンスを実現、オープンソースのアクセシビリティ 制限事項 : 特定のアプリケーションでは追加の微調整が必要 OpenAI GPT モデル (例: ChatGPT) 開発者 : OpenAI 主な機能 : 大規模データに基づく強力な言語処理、ユーザーエンゲージメントのためのインタラクティブなインターフェース 利点 : さまざまな業界に幅広く適用可能、ユーザーからのフィードバックにより最適化 制限事項 : パフォーマンスは使用状況やデータ品質によって異なる場合があります LLaMA は軽量な構造と研究中心の設計により、限られたリソースでも高いパフォーマンスを発揮し、オープンソースであるため研究者が利用しやすいです。一方、GPT は大規模なデータ駆動型言語処理と会話型インタラクションに重点を置いており、産業上の問題の解決に幅広く適用できます。 当社の革新的なAI活用 当社は、OpenAI の「 ChatGPT 」などの革新的な AI モデルを使用して業務効率を最大化します。たとえば、自然な翻訳を提供したり、「 Daglo 」などのツールを使用してスクリプトを生成したり、感情分析を実施して、より正確な結果をクライアントに提供したりします。 さらに、生体信号解析装置から得られたデータをAIで精査・解析し、より信頼性の高い結果の提供を目指しています。急速に進化するAIのトレンドを積極的に取り入れ、最適な解析を提供し、お客様に最良のインサイトをお届けします。 結論 AI技術は研究分野に新たな可能性と可能性をもたらします。当社はAIに対する深い理解と関心を持ち、AIを積極的に実世界の課題に適用し、差別化された洞察と価値を顧客に提供しています。当社はAIなどの最先端技術を迅速に採用し、研究の精度と効率を最大化しています。今後も最新のAI技術を活用し、革新的で信頼性の高い研究成果を提供し続けることをお約束します。

  • Bridging Worlds: Unveiling Japan's Avatar-Driven VR Revolution and Opportunities for Global Collaboration

    The virtual reality (VR) landscape in Japan is undergoing a transformative phase, powered by avatars and social VR platforms. This evolution is not just reshaping entertainment but also setting new benchmarks for global virtual interactions. Our dive into Japan's avatar-driven VR society reveals a vibrant ecosystem where technology, culture, and innovation converge, presenting unique opportunities for engagement and market expansion. The Rise of Avatar Society: Japan's VR scene is characterized by its avatar-driven communities, where users embody virtual personas to interact, socialize, and participate in a myriad of virtual spaces. From VTubers revolutionizing content creation to platforms like VRChat and Virtual Cast fostering unprecedented social connections, Japan's VR is at the forefront of digital identity exploration. Innovative Platforms and Events: The research highlights several platforms and events that stand as testaments to Japan's dynamic VR society. VRChat, for instance, has become a melting pot of creativity, hosting everything from art exhibitions to architectural awards. The Virtual Market, emulating the comic market's spirit, showcases how virtual spaces can host large-scale, interactive events that transcend geographical boundaries. Opportunities for Collaboration: The evolution of Japan's VR society is not just a local phenomenon but a gateway to global collaboration. The fusion of traditional culture with cutting-edge technology offers a unique platform for international brands and creators to engage with a diverse, tech-savvy audience. Through hybrid workshops and cross-cultural events, there's immense potential for fostering innovation and creating shared virtual experiences. Our Expertise and Offerings: At UXRPlayer, we're poised to leverage this burgeoning space to help brands navigate and thrive in Japan's VR market. Our expertise spans consumer research and user experience analysis ensuring your venture into the VR domain is both insightful and impactful. From avatar identity studies to immersive user engagement strategies, we offer a suite of services tailored to unlock the full potential of avatar-driven VR societies. Explore our full range of services and insights at Source:

  • Channels of User Experience Research in South Korea: A 2023 Overview

    As the digital landscape continues to evolve at a rapid pace, the methodologies and channels used for User Experience (UX) research have diversified. A recent statistical overview in South Korea as of June 2023 provides insightful revelations into how UX researchers and professionals are accessing information to refine and enhance the user experience. Understanding these preferences is crucial for professionals in the field, including ourselves, to stay abreast of the most effective and preferred information channels. Emphasis on Free Resources A significant majority (61.2%) of respondents favor free domestic articles, company blogs, and data as their primary source of UX research. This preference underscores the importance of accessible and no-cost resources in the UX community. It reflects a trend where UX practitioners value a wide range of perspectives and data that can be obtained without financial barriers. Global Perspectives Matter Free overseas articles and company blogs/data also constitute a large portion of the information channel mix, with over half (53%) of the respondents leveraging these resources. The reliance on international content highlights the global nature of UX design, where cross-cultural and multinational insights are becoming increasingly important in creating products that cater to diverse user bases. Books: The Evergreen Resource Books remain a fundamental resource, with 43.8% of respondents turning to them for UX research. The enduring value of books may lie in their in-depth analysis, comprehensive coverage, and the authority they command in a world where transient digital content is abundant. Digital Learning and Communities In the digital age, free online/offline classes, including resources such as YouTube, play a significant role, with 25.1% of UX researchers using them. These platforms offer a dynamic and interactive way to stay current with the latest UX trends and techniques. Similarly, online and offline communities like public KakaoTalk chat rooms are utilized by 18.7% of respondents, emphasizing the role of collaborative learning and the exchange of ideas within communities. Academic and Paid Resources Interestingly, academic papers are still a staple, with 14% of researchers consulting them. This points to the continued relevance of rigorous, peer-reviewed research in informing UX practices. On the other hand, paid classes and articles—both domestic and overseas—are less commonly used, with 7.4%, 7.1%, and 6.1% of respondents reporting their use, respectively. This could indicate a preference for open-source learning or possibly reflect budgetary constraints within the UX research community. Implications for UX Research The leaning towards free and diverse sources suggests a democratization of knowledge in the field of UX research. Professionals are leveraging a mix of both global and local insights to inform their work, reflecting the universal and inclusive nature of user experience as a discipline. For UX practitioners and researchers in South Korea and beyond, these statistics not only inform where to look for information but also where to share findings for the greatest impact. It is evident that creating accessible content, whether through articles, blogs, or online classes, will reach the widest audience. Moreover, contributing to academic publications and specialized communities remains important for those who aim to influence the field at a deeper and more scholarly level. In conclusion, the channels used for UX research in South Korea illustrate a field that is both traditional and forward-looking, with a clear preference for accessible, collaborative, and global resources. As we continue to navigate and contribute to these channels, we ensure that the user experience is informed by a rich tapestry of knowledge, reflective of the diverse and dynamic nature of the users we serve. Sources:

  • Riding the Korean Beauty Wave: A Gateway to Southeast Asian Expansion

    Greetings, beauty entrepreneurs! In the vibrant landscape of Southeast Asia, the allure of Korean beauty brands is transforming the industry, creating ripples of success that are hard to ignore. In this blog, we delve into the fascinating journey of how the Korean Wave culture is propelling beauty brands to new heights in Southeast Asia and why businesses should pay attention to this trend for strategic expansion. The Soaring Popularity of Korean Beauty Brands: Recent data reveals a significant surge in the popularity of Korean beauty brands across Southeast Asia, with Vietnam and Indonesia emerging as key expansion markets. Despite accounting for only 12% of the overall beauty market in the region, Korean beauty brands are making their mark, driven by robust promotion on e-commerce platforms like Shopee and Lazada. Key Expansion Markets: Indonesia, in particular, has witnessed a twelvefold increase in imports of Korean cosmetics over five years, soaring from $3.78 million in 2015 to an impressive $45.8 million by 2020. Amorepacific Group, a major Korean beauty conglomerate, has strategically solidified its presence in Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, and Indonesia, exemplifying the trend of Korean beauty brands expanding their footprint in Southeast Asia. Cultural Tailoring for Local Markets: One of the secrets to success lies in the adaptation of products to local climates and cultures. Amorepacific Group's Sulwhasoo, for instance, opened the largest flagship store in Southeast Asia in Indonesia, catering to the unique needs and preferences of Southeast Asian women. This emphasis on localization, combined with strategic collaborations, has allowed Korean beauty brands like Laneige, Innisfree, and Cosrx to flourish in the region. The Power of the Korean Wave: The global influence of Korean beauty brands can be attributed to their commitment to a healthy and natural image, coupled with cutting-edge manufacturing processes. However, the Korean Wave culture plays a pivotal role in establishing a cultural foundation for the brands' growth in Southeast Asia. As consumers in the region embrace Korean popular culture, beauty brands adeptly collaborate with Korean film stars and celebrities, effectively penetrating local markets and skyrocketing brand popularity. A Ripple Effect: Local Brands Embrace the Trend: The influence of Korean beauty brands is not limited to international players; local brands are learning and adapting to this trend. Some Southeast Asian brands are not only incorporating innovative Korean beauty ingredients into their products but are also leveraging Korean cultural elements to enhance brand recognition. For example, Indonesian brand Beneath! By Bhumi seamlessly blends Korean beauty ingredients like centella asiatica (cica) and mugwort with local tropical fruit ingredients, creating unique and appealing products. Similarly, Mad FOR MAKEUP, based in Indonesia, collaborates with the popular Korean online character LINE FRIENDS BT21, created by BTS and LINE FRIENDS, successfully attracting consumers and riding the wave of Korean pop culture. Conclusion: In conclusion, the surge of Korean beauty brands in Southeast Asia is not just a passing trend but a cultural phenomenon with far-reaching implications for the beauty industry. As a consumer research company in Korea, we encourage businesses to explore the dynamic opportunities in Southeast Asia, understand the cultural nuances, and ride the Korean Beauty Wave to unprecedented success. The time is ripe for strategic expansion, collaboration, and innovation in this exciting and thriving market. Source:

  • The Art and Science of Finding Research Participants

    Embarking on a research journey is like setting sail on uncharted waters. You've charted your course, mapped out your strategy, and are eager to delve into the depths of knowledge. However, there's a crucial step before the voyage truly begins—the quest for the unsung heroes of your research project: the participants. Defining the Cast: In the intricate theater of research, every participant is a crucial actor contributing to the narrative. The first act involves creating a Recruitment Brief—a masterful document that outlines the who, what, and where of your recruitment strategy. Here, you define your sample, set logistical details, and determine the incentive that will beckon your participants to the stage. Selecting the Stars: Once the curtain rises, the challenge is to find the right people for your research endeavor. This involves evaluating candidates against the Recruitment Brief and utilizing a powerful tool known as the Screener—a set of questions designed to identify the individuals who perfectly fit the roles you've envisioned. Methods of Casting: Choosing the method for casting your participants is an art in itself. Consider recruitment agencies as the seasoned directors who can bring A-list talent to your project. Alternatively, embrace guerrilla tactics for a more spontaneous and dynamic approach. While DIY casting might seem tempting, remember that your time is a valuable resource, and professional recruiters often provide more cost-effective solutions. Additionally, gatekeepers within your organization can be the key to unlocking a treasure trove of potential participants. The Persuasive Prelude: In the grand production of research, persuasion is the overture. While some participants may join out of genuine interest, most require a well-crafted incentive. Design your pitch to resonate with their motivations, making them eager participants in the unfolding research drama. Scheduling the Spectacle: With your cast assembled, it's time to choreograph the scenes. Whether your research is an impromptu street performance or a carefully orchestrated laboratory experiment, arranging sessions requires precision and foresight. Secure your slots in the grand theater of homes, offices, or labs, and let the research spectacle commence. Ethical Illumination: As the research conductor, you bear the ethical torch. Before the participants take the stage, ensure they are bathed in the light of informed consent. It's not just a legal formality; it's a commitment to transparency, respect, and the ethical foundations that underpin all meaningful research. Conclusion: Finding participants is more than just assembling a cast; it's about curating a collective of diverse voices that will enrich your research narrative. From defining your sample to orchestrating the sessions, each step is a brushstroke contributing to the masterpiece that is your research project. So, let the quest for participants be an adventure, a journey that unveils the hidden heroes ready to make your research truly extraordinary. Source: Lang, J., & Howell, E. (2017). Researching UX: user research. SitePoint Pty Ltd.

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